Helen, pulling a cart of learning resources in a playground, wearing shoes with dice in the heels.
Helen Hackett

Maths Solutions


0795 657 8432

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I have worked in education for over 20 years, based in Birmingham. I'm a maths specialist teacher (MaST), an SLE (specialist leader in education) and a Professional Development Lead (NCETM).

I deliver training and speak at events around the country. As a cohort 1 mastery specialist, trained by the NCETM, I established teaching for mastery within the school where I was maths lead (Parkfield Community School), then later across Excelsior MAT.

My understanding of mastery was developed further through participation in the Shanghai teacher exchange, both visiting Shanghai and hosting open lessons. In my role as TfM Lead for one of the Maths Hubs and as a workgroup lead, I work with a team of mastery specialists and other leaders of maths education, helping schools to enhance teaching and learning in mathematics.

I began offering a range of bespoke PD, initially from my base at Parkfield Maths Academy, and now through my outreach services.